Pamela Love Astrology - July

The balance of masculine and feminine energies are on the table right now because both Venus and Mars (and the Sun) are in Cancer. A symbolic birthing practice is happening, and new ideas and energies are springing forth. Check in with what you have been nurturing or growing on a symbolic level. What are you feeling? Get in touch with your emotional side. 

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Mars is in Cancer this month fueling your drive with emotion. You may be noticing that to pursue anything new right now you have to feel strongly about it first. It can be a finicky time because emotions change like tides. If you are only driven in the direction of your emotions, you might be all over the place. Feeling things out then blending that initial impact with some powerful planning will lead you to rewarding places. On the 17th, Mars will square Uranus which is currently in Aries, a perfect time for self-realization. Uranus has a bold movie-like effect in the realm of epiphany, but the emotionally driven navigation course you're currently on might create a tendency to avoid the challenge of self-revelation. One of your many strengths is facing hard things head on - so if anyone can do it, you can. 

This month, Aries must remember to feel passionate about anything you pursue. While this may come with emotional difficulty, the weight of the Tiered Pendulum Collar will help keep your strength in these difficult times, no matter what comes your way.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20 )

This month is going to be an excellent time for you to get out into public spaces. Spend more time in the city and make plans to see creative exhibits that your community is buzzing about. Go to that art show, concert or film screening that is on the tip of everyone's tongue - even if it feels over-hyped. This is a time when joining the crowd is good. It will inspire you to build your own buzz. The challenge will be to get something tangible out of that inspiration. Bring home something from these external events (a poster, some merch, a flier) to remind you of what that community and buzz felt like and what you want out of it.  Allowing in an outside perspective this month will help you steer away from your tendency to get lost in your world.

July is the time for Taurus to spend time out in public to find inspiration in different ways. Taurus doesn’t need to just be inspired—you can inspire others in these places wearing the Savannah Jasper Arrowhead Pendant—the multi-color piece is one of a kind that will be sure to enliven creative minds.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)
Mercury is moving from Cancer into Leo early this month, and the usual argument happening inside your head is amplified. Although distracting, this is also an opportunity to make real change in the topic that the twins are tossing around. On the 19th when Mercury makes a trine aspect to Saturn the tension will ease, and you may feel a shift in old patterns. Toward the end of the month, Mercury is entering the retrograde shadow crossing over an area that it will later retrace. Leave some clues for yourself to make the most of the September when Mercury follows the path it is now only crossing. Think of this time as foreshadowing, decipher it and leave a message for your future self in the form of photos, letters or lists. 

Amidst all this movement, stay grounded with the essentials. The Essential Ring, made of 10K yellow gold with rutilated quartz and white diamond, can be an everyday piece to provide consistency among all this change.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

Happy Birthday, Cancer! The last post for you was about feeling half-baked, experiencing pains of labor but not getting the release you're looking for. This month can be perceived as one last intense push - the proverbial baby is coming! Cancers know better than most the limits of the mind and how the body can far exceed beliefs that the mind holds. Remember that in this last effort, as things feel like too much, too big and too fast, relief is coming, and you can make it though. Mars is in Cancer until 20th of July, and that's a perfect time to harness energy and explore sexual drive and the healing that comes with intimacy. This can also be channeled into art making or nurturing intuitive psychic abilities if you're not feeling frisky.  

With one last push of effort this month you will surprise yourself with what your body and mind can do. Explore new things, nurture your abilities, and celebrate your strength with a strong, yet simple statement piece. The Stone Beaumont Earrings are the perfect way to represent your tenacity in tough times

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)
This month might feel a bit like the dark night of the soul. Your ruling planet, the Sun, is moving through the 12th house which signifies the unconscious and the action of reckoning. In this sense, you may be facing some feelings of loss, and that can be scary to sit with. Around the 9th, try and reframe your situation and see if you can cast yourself in the dark comedy of life. You may wonder "should I be laughing?" and in this case yes, if you can alchemize those hard feelings into comedy it will offer you realization.

This month may leave Leo with feelings of darkness and loss, which can be a bit unsettling to deal with. The Snake Hoops, sculpted to resemble a serpent, are one way to embrace this darkness and put a comedic spin on it.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Feeling a bit lighter lately? Take a big sigh of relief and start looking around to see where the increased sense of freedom can lead. This month will support you in cutting through some confusion and seeing your worth and value clearly so that you can claim what you deserve. Think about what you need and how amazing you are when you get it. Now is a good time to ask for a raise, at work or in another area where you are exchanging time and energy. By the middle of the month, there will be enough evidence to back up your side of the negotiation, and it will be clear to the other party. Trust that the resources are there. On the 25th, Mercury (your ruling planet) moves into Virgo, so that will be an extra boost. Whatever you claim for yourself will start feeling right as you get into a groove towards the end of the month.

A heightened sense of freedom can mean a clearer sense of Virgos’ worth and value. The beauty of the Opal 3 Gravitation Earrings will remind you of your worth every day. The stunning pair of earrings are both modern and feminine—guaranteed to make you feel loved and valued!

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 23)

Jupiter has been in Libra since last September, and now it is coming up on its last few months in residence. Jupiter is an expansive, benevolent energy that makes everything bigger and bolder and more amazing. You've been feeling this planet's gifts for almost a year, and it is reaching its culmination period. This will provide a host of new sensations. On 18th your ruling planet, Venus will trine Jupiter which will boost your self-esteem and reinforce other positive messages from within. You will get a strong signal that you are enough. Your relationship with yourself matters even more now than usual, so make sure your self-talk is laced with sweetness.

Take time this month to focus on your relationship with yourself and emphasize self-love. Keep you the focus wearing the Small Vessel Pendant. Its threaded top allows you to carry around your favorite perfume/oils, reminding you to keep in touch with your self-relationship.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 20)

Scorpios are experts at navigating the ebb and flow of emotional Cancer season while staying anchored and firm. You will be put to the test in these skills around the 2nd when Mars and Pluto (the rulers of Scorpio) are exactly opposite each other. This could signify a meaningful event and as it plays out, keep in mind that as much as you are feeling an inner conflict, you are actually not on any particular "side." Learning to see that you can exist in the neutral space between the conflicting desires of these two planets will be huge. You don't have to get lost in the battle; you can be the ground that it is taking place on. 

 Remember to stay grounded throughout these trials and remind yourself to stay central and neutral throughout the month, wearing the simple and effortless Radius Ring.

Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20)

When your sights are set on something important to you, motivated Sagittarius, you are capable of appearing eternally optimistic with an almost uncanny upbeat presence. However, look out for that one little part of you that feels that it is not along for the ride. The temptation is to disown that voice and soldier on, and as much as you would like a pitstop free journey in life, evasion could be self-damaging. The beneficial thing to do is to accept that dissident part of yourself as something that makes you who you are. Focus on finding a cohesion of the voices instead of trying to let go of one. If you must release something, it's better to let go of what others are putting on you - but don't cut off your intuition.

Instead of warding off these negative feelings, acknowledge and embrace this part of you. Focus on finding a balance between the negative and positive sides of you with the Machina Earrings.

Capricorn (Dec. 23 to Jan. 20)

The full moon on the 8th is in Capricorn. And just as the moon must be opposite the sun to glow so brilliantly, sometimes we must also take distance and opposition to truly shine. Take inspiration and hope from the moon this month and find the light that wants to brighten you up. The only constant is change, and you can trust that this stagnation too shall pass. In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine and recharge. You are very naturally connected to the power of the spiritual realms, and tapping into that resource now will be soothing. 

Keeping in mind that the only thing in life that’s constant is change, embrace this while recognizing the time you need to regroup and recharge. Use your connection to spiritual realms to keep calm during these times of instability. The intricacy of the Lee Collar mimics the complexity of every day life.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 21)

Your ruling planet Uranus squares Mercury on the 4th sparking a clash of your higher and lower minds. You can easily get stuck in not so helpful thought patterns and now is the time to avoid that habit. You're an incredible builder so remember that quality construction takes time. Go slow and steady and remember to back up occasionally and look at the bigger picture. Review the blueprints and reconnect to what you're building in this life and why.  Toward the end of the month, you have opportunities communicate appreciation to the people in your life who matter most, make sure to find time for that. You're humanitarian of the zodiac - get to the heart of the matter.

The clashing of Uranus and Mercury this month can bring about cluttering thoughts in Aquarius’ mind. The Suspension Ear Threads can remind you of simplicity in hectic times during the month.

Pisces (Feb. 22 to March 20)

July will create some confusion around who you can and cannot trust. There will be fear of burdening others with your woes, but it's the friend who doesn't make you feel bad for opening up that you can count on. This is a month to take stock and be honest with yourself - see who is showing up, who is supportive, who is truthful and loving. Real friends aren't scared or turned off by your sensitivities, passions, and idiosyncrasies. The 21st will shed some light on this inquiry/inventory. Learn to appreciate the good and the bad, because the bad is informative and helps you build a perfect community around you. 

 Towards the end of the month you will have the opportunity to acknowledge both the positives and negatives of those around you, and remember that this information can only benefit you. The two-tone Large Lasso Ring can be a reminder of how whether it is good or bad, everything/everyone in Pisces’ life can come together to create something beautiful.

Words by Olivia La Roche. Astrological reading by Alex Marterre.

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